Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Billboard Advert

So I have been planning a little low key stint of publicity and here it is!

Marketing and promotion is a tricky animal and you can never be sure what you do is going to give the hoped for results. Being a full time working photographer is about a number of things and the photos are only one ingredient. As with any business, promotion and name awareness are paramount so I have been putting some effort in to that side of things.

The last few months have seen 6000 leaflets distributed around Farnham with the Farnham Connect Magazine, a series of adverts taken in Round & About Magazine which goes to over 22,000 homes in the Farnham area, Frensham Faye and Farnham Carnival Fayre displays and I have just taken a page in the MOD Bordon Services Guide.  I have also been promoting myself and my work on a day to day basis and now the billboard.

I know its low key and unobtrusive but if you do see it I hope it brings a smile.  And if you want to talk to me about having some photographs done I'd be delighted to hear from you!

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