Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The Studio Photographed

Having decided to take some advertising space in Round & About magazine, four months worth in the Farnham area and a month in Haslemere to start with, I finally got around to photographing the studio.  The advert was the catalyst and the push I needed to clear the desk for a short spell.  Although I have a wide lens, it still needed a series of images stitched together to showcase the space.  There is a bit of distortion but this is what my studio looks like...
It is a comfortable space and the double doors on the left allow me to get in larger stuff.  I have a tentative booking for a motorbike and the other day I found myself dicussing the possibility of getting a horse in here!

Well, I've already had a snake, bearded dragons and ferrets in here so I might was well look at the other end of the scale!

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